Interview with Doug Simpson!

Today I introduce you to fellow 5 Prince Publishing author, Doug Simpson.  Besides being the only male author with 5 Prince Publishing (for now!), he also takes a totally different approach to storytelling.

Launch Day for 5 Prince Publishing Author Doug Simpson!

Welcome, Doug!

What inspired you to write?

That is not exactly a short story, but here goes.

Over thirty years ago, my wife introduced me to one of America’s almost-lost miracle-men. His name was Edgar Cayce. He is regarded by many scholars in the field as America’s legendary mystic. Edgar gave over fifteen thousand psychic readings in a self-induced, trance-like state. His trance state was so deep that, in the early days of his amazing medical readings, a group of doubting Doctors performed their own sadistic experiments on him to prove he was duping his clients. One Doctor took his pocketknife and slid it fully under one of Edgar’s fingernails. He never reacted and there was no blood. Another sadist poked a hatpin right through Edgar’s cheek. He never reacted, but there may have been a drop of blood. But, as you can imagine, when Edgar came out of his trance state, all hell broke loose!

As amazing as the medical readings were, it was Edgar’s life or reincarnation readings that seized my attention.  Some two thousand real live individuals, or their guardians, requested approximately twenty-five hundred life readings where they were given information on a few of their previous incarnations, specifically those ones which were significant to their understanding of the reasons for their souls selecting the particular bodies that they resided in, in their current incarnations. Reincarnated souls that appeared in Edgar’s readings went as far back as the days of Adam and Eve, and included the souls of Mary Magdalene, Thomas Jefferson and Martha Washington, to name just a few.

If you are curious, visit my website at and you can access the articles I have written on these three historical characters, and many others.

After years of researching the Edgar Cayce readings, I ‘had’ to verify my beliefs so I enlisted the services of a licensed hypnotist and experienced four past-life regression sessions, uncovering a number of my past lifetimes.

Now one hundred percent convinced of reincarnation, I commenced to write my reincarnation articles in 2010, using the Edgar Cayce readings. I parlayed my knowledge and experience and, with some helpful guidance from the other side along the journey, wrote my first novel, Soul Awakening, Book I of the Dacque Chronicles. It is a work of fiction but was inspired by a series of actual events. Probably all of the major events reported in Soul Awakening have been experienced by me, by individuals I know, confided to me or individuals I know, or were revealed in the Edgar Cayce readings. Four of the incarnations uncovered by the characters in Soul Awakening are my actual past lifetimes, right down to the name and location.

 What genre do you write? Did you choose it, or did it choose you?

I guess we have to call it mysteries, but it also touches on spirituality, paranormal and fantasy. Apparently it chose me.

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

I am retired, so I am able to write whenever I have free time and am in the proper mood.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Whenever I get stuck or do not know where the story is going next, I am convinced that I am sent the answers from souls on-the-other-side. It has happened many times now, where I wake up in the morning with solutions I had never even imagined before I went to bed.

Are you a pantser or plotter?

Definitely a pantser! I have not written a book yet that concluded where I planned it to. Somebody always kidnaps the story on me.

Do you have any suggestions to help new authors become a better writer? If so, what are they?

I consider myself a totally unorthodox writer so I would never try and tell others how to write. The one piece of advice I would pass along is do not get discouraged by rejections and criticism and instead make them feed your determination to improve and succeed.

Are you self-pubbed, indie pubbed, or traditionally pubbed?

I am now traditionally published by a fairly new but determinedly progressive publisher out of Colorado, called 5 Prince Publishing.

What are your current projects?

Last week I forwarded the completed manuscript for Soul Connections, Book IV of the Dacque Chronicles, to my editor at 5 Prince Publishing, and immediately commenced writing Abandoned Soul, Book V of the Dacque Chronicles.

Want to know more? Connect with Doug at the following links:

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SoulAwakening-Cover5PP-Final (2)Soul Awakening 

Soul Awakening is a spiritual mystery/romance story involving the discovery of reincarnation and the past lifetimes of a group of individuals. It is a work of fiction, but was inspired by a series of actual events that were experienced by the author or other individuals known to the author. It involves the apparently accidental, though actually orchestrated by Divine Intervention, meeting of three total strangers, and their ultimate discovery that they shared previous lifetimes together. It includes episodes of spirit communication, messages from God, past-life regression sessions, Guardian Angels, past-life recall in the awake state, and Soul Attraction, which is the reincarnation of groups of souls together, in more than one lifetime, in order to deal with uncompleted Karmic connections from previous lifetimes together.

Launch Day for 5 Prince Publishing Author Doug Simpson!Soul Rescue 

Dacque LaRose, the protagonist in The Dacque Chronicles, is a very unusual Good Samaritan who has been selected by the Heavenly Powers to assist Them in rescuing deserving souls in need of rescuing, no matter whether they still reside in human bodies or have departed from their human residences when the body passed away. Dacque’s soul has earned this exalted position as God’s helper through his exemplary actions and clean living throughout his numerous previous incarnations, as well as his current lifetime. To assist Dacque in carrying out these noble duties he has been bestowed with unique powers in this lifetime, powers which allow him to see and converse with spirits as well as receive direct messages from the Heavenly Powers.

Soul Rescue is the recounting of Dacque’s latest adventure where he is directed to the local children’s hospital to locate and assist the earth-bound spirits of five children stranded for many decades. Dacque is rewarded with three touching personal relationships throughout this adventure and a totally unanticipated surprise at the conclusion of his Heavenly assignment.

Soul Rescue is a fictional novel inspired by a series of actual events.


Soul MindSoul Mind 

Dacque LaRose, a genuine good-guy and Good Samaritan, was accustomed to being visited by and communicating with disembodied spirits as he carried out his occasional assignments received from the Heavenly Powers. His latest spirit visit went miles beyond anything he would have ever imagined. The spirit of a former acquaintance and recent murder victim joined Dacque one morning on his favorite park bench and asked him to assist in solving his murder as the local authorities were getting nowhere, through no fault of their own but due to a lack of any substantial evidence in the case.

Dacque had absolutely no idea how he could be of assistance in solving a murder, but he was accustomed to receiving his Heavenly assignments one installment at a time so he knew the steps he would be expected to follow would appear in due course.

Dacque’s new assignment proved exciting and educational as the spirit of the murdered acquaintance gladly explained to Dacque and his detective friend the inner workings of the Soul Mind or subconscious mind.

4 thoughts on “Interview with Doug Simpson!

    • Hi Melynda
      Thank you for the response. We are certainly a lot alike in our writing methods. My stories never go where I thought they would go at the beginning. I am convinced I receive assistance from the other side that gives me better ideas than my original ones. Actually, it is nice to have an angel looking over your shoulder as you work. Best wishes on your new release.

  1. Good interview M.J. and good luck Doug on your books – 5 Prince Publishing must be good in my home state Colorado. I’m a panster too never quite knowing where the story will take me but their short so it usually doesn’t take long to find out.

    I’m happy to see you here Doug. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts on Edgar Cayce and have always been intrigued with the supernatural and paranormal. Hope you have much success with your books and look forward to more of your work popping up.

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